Chiropractic & Applied Kiniesiology |
Chiropractic care and Applied Kinesiology are based on the interactions of the spine and nervous system, as well as the surrounding muscles and organs.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy |
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a medical treatment which enhances the body’s natural healing process by the inhalation of 97% oxygen in a total body chamber.
Magnesphere |
The Magnesphere combats frequencies that suppress your nervous system and energy levels by bringing those things back to balance.
NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback |
NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback is neuro-technology that provides training for the brain, which allows the brain to operate at its very best.
HOCATT™ Infrared Ozone Sauna |
This machine acts as a personal ozone steam sauna, in which patients sit with just their head exposed to the air, while their body receives the benefits of an infusion of ozone, steam, and photon light.
Full Spectrum Infrared Sauna |
The Full Spectrum Infrared Sauna is a tool designed with every patient in mind. From those who are looking to maintain and increase their vitality and health, to those who are facing a chronic illness