11 Dec How Often Should You Do Float Therapy?
A commitment to living a more calm and healthy lifestyle is a serious one to make and can be very difficult to achieve while living in such a fast-paced environment.
With this daily reality, more and more people are deciding to lay down old habits and pursue new and innovated forms of holistic healthcare. Making a decision like this can have them on a fast track to achieving peace of mind, especially with this kind of therapy.
Float Therapy is one of the quickest ways to work towards a calm mind, and it only requires you to do one thing—float.
While floating for one session is amazing, it’s tough to know just how many sessions you should sign up for after day one, and how often you should do float therapy. Is one session all you need, or do you need to have multiple sessions a week?
Floatation Therapy is able to be used every day without any negative side effects, and the relaxing result of an hour-long floatation session will last well past the day of your appointment. To see the best possible outcome, It is recommended that you participate in regularly scheduled sessions. Most patients see the benefits of using float therapy around two or more times a week, and even more positive results from long periods of routine use.
The number of float sessions could differ depending on your reasons for choosing float therapy. For some people, once a week for 2 months is plenty. For others, twice a week for 6 months is a better fit. To help you figure this out for yourself, here is a brief guide to help you see how many float sessions would work best for you.
Float Therapy One Time A Month 
If you choose to use floatation therapy one time a month, it really gives the patient a strong foundation for self-care that is regular and a routine that helps your body to reset when it needs it most.
This amount of float therapy is best suited for:
- Someone who is operating on a tight budget
- Someone who needs a boost after a long month of stress
- Someone who doesn’t have chronic pain or an active lifestyle
- Someone who has a very fast-paced schedule
- Someone who wants to have a time once a month to focus on reviving the senses
- Someone who wants to have time once a month for goal setting and reflection.
Float Therapy Two Times A Month
Using floatation therapy two times a month can help a patient to stay aligned, get increased energy, and even strengthening the immune system. The end result is a regular, relaxing and rejuvenating experience that helps the patient to catch up on rest and get priorities back into order.
This amount of float therapy is best suited for:
- Someone who is living a somewhat active lifestyle
- Someone who is sitting down for a large part of the day
- Someone who needs inflammation decreased
- Someone who is in pain and needs it to be reduced
- Someone who is hoping to have their spine realigned
- Someone who is experiencing chronic pain
- Someone who is dealing with regular migraines and headaches
Float Therapy Four Times A Month
Using float therapy four times a month or weekly is able to assist the patient with their overall mental health, assist in relieving chronic pain, and can help them to have increased performance in every sphere of life.
This amount of float therapy is best suited for:
- Someone who has an active lifestyle
- Someone who is a trainer or athlete
- Someone who is about to have a large exam or test
- Someone who is about to go through intense training or competition
- Someone who is about to experience a huge life change
- Someone who is hoping to achieve increased feelings of well being and serenity
- Someone who is dealing with depression or anxiety
- Someone who is struggling with insomnia or restless nights
Float Therapy Every Day
For patients who are hoping to see a fast transformation in their life emotionally, mentally, spiritually or physically, floating on a daily basis can prove to be extremely effective.
This amount of float therapy is best suited for:
- Someone who is struggling with addiction and wants to see positive changes
- Someone who is getting ready for a major competition or important event
- Someone who is trying to recover from a serious injury
- Someone who is trying to fast track rehabilitation
- Someone who is trying to seek out a profound meditation state
- Someone who is attempting to get better at journaling or self-reflection
- Someone who is trying to gain a new and solid foundation for their spirit, mind, and body so that they can operate at their highest possible potential.
Whatever amount of float therapy seems to work best for you, it’s a good idea to create a schedule that can help you to achieve the unique goals that you have set for yourself.
What Are The Long Term Benefits Of Float Therapy?
So what happens if you begin to use float therapy regularly for weeks, months or even years at a time? Are there really any benefits to using float therapy for that long? To answer those questions, here are some of the long term benefits of float therapy.
Float Therapy Helps Improve Your Sleep
One of the best benefits of long term float therapy is that it can help improve your sleep quality. It is reported that spending around 90 minutes in a floatation tank can be compared to feeling like you are getting a full nights sleep and is very refreshing, therapeutic and rejuvenating.
Because you don’t have to battle constantly with gravity in the floatation tank, your joints, muscles, and bones are all allowed an opportunity to take a break from constant usage.
Floatation therapy is able to help bring on a natural calm that helps you facilitate inner thoughts and ultimately leaves you waking up feeling more rested than you have in the past.
This well-deserved rest will reallocate your energy for other more important things.
Float Therapy Buffers Sensitivity
Some people label themselves as extroverts, while others would call themselves introverts. No matter which side of the fence you think you’re on, float therapy has something to offer that is uniquely beneficial for you.
For extroverts, floating provides a place where they can develop a better internal sensitivity because all other senses are being dulled down.
For introverts, a floating session can provide a safe place and a feeling of security that is far away from the constant sensory stimulation that they are usually exposed to.
Float Therapy Relieves Pain
The relaxing response that is caused by floating in an isolated and calm environment will fill a patient’s body with endorphins that help relieve pain. For someone who constantly deals with the extremely difficult side effects of chronic pain, this can make a huge difference.
In addition, it is also able to suppress appetites that are out of control, depression, anxiety, and even help put you in a much better mood.
Float Therapy Strengthens Your Immune System
Another helpful benefit of floatation therapy is that it can sometimes help the patient build a stronger immune system.
Some research has shown how utilizing the stillness and calm of the tank to focus in on a diseased or injured area of your body with intentions of healing or feelings that are positive are able to help improve the recovery rate of many different ailments.
Float Therapy Helps You To Learn
When spending long periods of time in a float tank on a regular basis, our minds become way less distracted and more suggestible because our brains are being held in a theta state wave-length.
This opens up our mind to be ready to soak in new material deeply and even improve on performances, help with recalling memories and will help you to learn at faster speeds.
If you are looking for a holistic and fast way to strengthen your brain for learning, floatation therapy could be the perfect solution.
Float Therapy Encourages Visualization
There are few places in the world where you can achieve such a relaxed state other than through floatation therapy.
Because you are so relaxed, but also extremely awake, visualization or lucid dreams are able to be much more strong and intensified.
Whether you are a public speaker preparing for a big speech, or an athlete preparing for a big game, floatation therapy will help you perform at your very best.
Float Therapy Is A Stress Reliever
In a city that is constantly moving or a job that is demanding, our bodies don’t receive the kind of rest that they need.
Chronic stressors in the forms of business problems, unemployment, war, air pollution, noise, antagonism, street crime, and family problems have been reported to be the root cause of quite a few different kinds of ailments.
In a floatation tank, all external input is eliminated so this kind of isolation gives your nervous system a bit of a rest, after constantly being exposed to these kinds of daily stresses and anxieties.
An experience like this is healthy, nourishing and refreshing for our bodies and minds, which helps us to function the way we were meant to.
Float Therapy Encourages Relaxation
A unique benefit that floatation therapy provides is that it helps keep the sympathetic nervous system from functioning which is the system that triggers our flight and fight responses. Instead, floatation helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system which encourages replenishment, healing, and relaxation.
Some of the positive physical results that this kind of relaxation can cause is decreased blood pressure, increased endorphins, reduced muscle tension, and a decrease in stress hormones.
Float Therapy Encourages Brain Synchronization
Some studies have shown that hemisphere synchronization during a floating session helps the left and right sides of our brains to communicate. This kind of reaction can help encourage better non-linear connections, deeper realizations, and higher states of creativity.
Float Therapy Helps With The Absorption Of Magnesium
In a floatation session, a very large quantity of Epsom salt is used to add buoyancy to the water in order for a patient to float. These salts are absorbed through the skin and are able to supplement your diet with a mineral that is lacking for most people.
The absorption of this mineral can produce positive effects that prevent osteoporosis, provide relief for PMS, regulate high blood pressure, strengthen teeth and bones, encourage detoxification and relieve menopause symptoms.
Float Therapy Helps With Behavior Adjustments
Surprisingly, in addition to helping reduce physical symptoms, floatation therapy is able to help bring more attention to noticing different behavioral patterns.
The calming results of this kind of therapy include benefits like a decrease in anxiety, reducing depression and alleviating stress. While float therapy has the ability to remove these negative side-effects to everyday life, it also has the ability to increase calmness and a personal sense of well-being. When it comes to breaking tough habits, introducing something new and refreshing to your body can be a huge help for things like assisting in anti-smoking.
Whether it be physical, chronic pain, or inner emotional anxiety and depression, it’s no secret that everyone deals with some sort of discomfort that would more simply just be repressed and put on the back burner. While this might be the easier route, it’s not the healthy choice for you and your physical or emotional well being. Floating is a calming and therapeutic solution for many who don’t know where else to turn. Introducing this sensory deprivation therapy to your routine could be the refreshing answer you’ve been looking for.
If you have further questions about float therapy and its powerful healing benefits, we would love to hear from you! You can contact us here to learn more, or to schedule a South Tulsa float therapy appointment.