08 Oct Who Has the Best Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy In Tulsa?
When you are seeking any type of conventional or functional wellness service, it’s important to receive your treatment from the most experienced team of professionals. This is especially true when it comes to Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. HBOT has countless health and wellness benefits and can help individuals experience relief from a variety of injuries and illnesses.
So, who has the best Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Tulsa? Longevity Effect has the best Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Tulsa. Overseen by a team of certified physicians, each functional wellness treatment at Longevity Effect is part of a comprehensive approach to health and wellness. Experience the many benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in their clean, modern office atmosphere.
Is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy worth the investment? What are the benefits of this type of wellness treatment? In this post, we will discuss the benefits of HBOT. We will also cover the many qualities that set Longevity Effect apart from others in this area.
South Tulsa’s Best Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Longevity Effect, Tulsa’s best Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy provider, offers HBOT in addition to several other high-quality wellness services. Through their comprehensive approach to health and wellness, they seek to address the root of the problem instead of simply covering up the symptoms one may be experiencing.
Through Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, the doctors at Longevity Effect have been able to provide relief and healing for a variety of acute and chronic illnesses and injuries. Keep reading to learn more about this revolutionary wellness service!
What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, or HBOT, is a wellness treatment that involves the inhalation of pure oxygen in a pressurized environment. While similar types of treatment have been documented as early as 1662, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy was first used in the United States during the early 20th century. The long history of Hyperbaric Medicine has proven this approach to be beneficial for a variety of individuals.
The atmospheric oxygen that we breathe each day is approximately 20%. However, during a Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy session, the oxygen level in the chamber is increased to between 50-60%. This increase in oxygen, coupled with the pressure in the treatment chamber, is highly beneficial for your body.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy can be used to treat concussions, wounds that won’t heal, decompression sickness, infections, illness, carbon monoxide poisoning, damaged tissue, and a number of other conditions. Additionally, the positive effects of HBOT greatly improve overall health and wellness while boosting the individual’s immune system. For these reasons, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is a wellness treatment from which virtually anyone can benefit.
Benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
There are many benefits to the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy provided at Longevity Effect. Here are just a few of the reasons this wellness treatment continues to grow in popularity.
Increases Oxygenation to Body’s Tissues
The tissues throughout your body rely on oxygen to function and repair themselves. With an increase in concentrated oxygen, your body has the ability to more easily circulate oxygen throughout the body, helping important tissues more efficiently repair themselves and fight infection.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is highly beneficial for individuals recovering from an injury or those suffering from wounds that won’t heal. It can also benefit individuals simply hoping to give their tissue a little boost.
Improves White Blood Cell Count
Often overlooked, white blood cells play a crucial role in your overall health and wellbeing. White blood cells are responsible for killing bacteria, fighting sickness, and protecting your body as a whole. In fact, your immune system functions because of white blood cells.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy provides your white blood cells with an enhanced ability to do their job, boosting your immune system, and promoting overall wellness. As we approach the cold and flu season, it is more important than ever to give your white blood cells the tools they need to defend your body against illness.
Reduces Swelling & Pain
By increasing the flow of oxygenated blood throughout your body, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy can be used to reduce swelling or pain. Whether due to overuse, chronic conditions, or an injury, pain can greatly prohibit your daily activity. Through Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, the team at Longevity Effect can provide you with much-needed relief.
Provides Relaxation & Relief
Not only does Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy provide physical benefits but it also benefits your mental wellbeing. Each HBOT session at Longevity Effect lasts roughly one hour. You can bring your cell phone with you into the treatment chamber. However, we highly recommend using this hour as an opportunity to decompress from the stress experienced in daily life.
Many patients come to view Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy as a type of spa treatment rather than a wellness service. This is our goal with each of our wellness services.
Treats a Variety of Illnesses & Injuries
Although you may begin receiving Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for one specific reason, you will quickly find that it can be used to treat a variety of other conditions. From acute injuries to chronic fatigue, the benefits and value of HBOT are widespread. Many patients continue to receive Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy long after their initial concern is addressed after experiencing the relief this service provides.
Promotes General Health & Wellness
We are all looking for ways to better care for our bodies and promote our overall health and wellness. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy through Longevity Effect is a great way to pamper yourself. By providing your body with an extra boost of oxygen, you are giving yourself the tools your body needs to remain healthy and whole.
Whether you are looking for immediate relief from an injury or simply hoping to improve your overall wellness, you will quickly experience the countless benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy through Longevity Effect.
Qualities of the Best Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Tulsa
So, what sets Longevity Effect apart as the best Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Midtown Tulsa? There are many reasons why countless individuals of all ages support this statement. Here are just a few of the reasons why Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy through Longevity Effect is of such value.
Provides a Comprehensive Approach to Health & Wellness
Longevity Effect is the only Oklahoma facility that offers both functional and chiropractic medicine. They also offer a number of high-quality wellness services. The goal of each treatment plan is to address the root of the issue by offering a comprehensive approach to health and wellness. By treating the issue at its root, the team at Longevity Effect is able to provide effective, long-lasting relief.
In addition to Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Longevity Effect also offers wellness services such as Float Therapy, HOCATT Infrared Ozone Sauna, Magnesphere, and NeurOptimal Neurofeedback.
Treatment is Provided By a Team of Certified Physicians
Unlike other centers that offer forms of wellness treatments, treatment at Longevity Effect is provided by a team of certified physicians. Because of this, you can have confidence in knowing the treatments will truly benefit your condition, not just improve their bottom line.
The doctors at Longevity Effect are passionate about providing each patient with a comprehensive, personalized approach to overall health and wellness.
Calming Office Atmosphere Promotes Relaxation
While you may enter Longevity Effect expecting a stark, medical environment, this is not what you will find. The team at Longevity Effect has worked to create a calming office atmosphere that is more similar to a spa than a medical center. Within their offices, you will feel a sense of peace and relaxation that is far too often absent in our world today.
Convenient Treatment Hours to Fit Your Schedule
One of the greatest obstacles that patients face when trying to receive Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is finding a provider that works with their schedule! Longevity Effect understands your busy life. They offer convenient treatment hours including nights and weekends to fit within your busy schedule. Experience the best Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Tulsa at a time that works for you.
Your First Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Treatment
Interested in trying the best Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Tulsa but unsure of what to expect? The team at Longevity Effect is passionate about instilling confidence in each one of their patients. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions regarding your first Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy treatment.
How Long Does Each HBOT Session Last?
Each Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy treatment at Longevity Effect lasts one hour. When using HBOT to treat certain illnesses or injuries, your treatment plan will include between 10-40 treatments. For general health and wellness maintenance, most patients receive HBOT once or twice a month.
Do I Need to Bring Anything to My HBOT Session?
The only thing you need to bring with you to your Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy session is yourself and a water bottle! We recommended spending the hour of treatment to relax and decompress. However, you are able to bring a cell phone or tablet into the chamber with you. Some patients find this form of distraction is helpful as they adjust to the time in the treatment chamber.
Experience the Best Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in South Tulsa
Are you ready to experience the best Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Tulsa? Longevity Effect is ready to help you achieve an optimal state of health and wellness through this unique and beneficial wellness service. For more information or to schedule your first appointment, contact the team today!